STEELPortalFrame EC3

Design of Steel portal frame structures according to Eurocode 3softwasre portale in acciaio: Steel Portal Frame EC3

Lifetime license and free updates!!

The user can easily design steel portal frame structures with minimal data input, the analysis and design of the structure is updated simultaneously as the input changes. It is possible to select the applicable National Annexes. The materials and code parameters can be changed. Comprehensive calculation reports with all the steps and used formulas. Calculations are highlighted in red when not verified.

Software features

  • Lifetime license and free updates
  • User friendly input of data
  • Fast results
  • Every check has references to the design code paragraphs

Price list and offers

perpetual license + free updates

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price list eurocodeexpress


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Free updating to new versions from the program's Main menu/Update.
When a program has changed considerably, due to changes in Eurocodes or standards, or when new features are included, we will contact you. Such upgrades usually run 20-30% of the original program price.

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Progetto di strutture di tipo Portale di Acciaio secondo l’Eurocodice 3

·         All the loading conditions and load combinations according to Eurocode 0 and Eurocode 1.
·         Seismic design according to Eurocode 8.
·         Design of the steel structure, according to Eurocode 3-1-1.
·         Steel joints according to Eurocode 3-1-8.
·         Lateral bracing system according to Eurocode 3-1.
·         Concrete foundation according to Eurocode 2-1 and Eurocode 7-1.
·         Detailed drawings of the structure and the connections.

       Concept design

    Elastic linear analysis, with allowance for second order effects. (Eurocode 3-1-1)
    Gravity loads, imposed loads, snow loads, wind loads (Eurocode 1-1, 1-3, 1-4).
    Seismic loads (Eurocode 8-1).
    All the load combinations (Eurocode 0)
    Analysis for seismic loads using lateral force method and modal superposition spectrum analysis. (Eurocode 8-1)
    Verification of the members (rafters, columns, haunch) in ultimate limit state (ULS) cross-section resistance and 
    member flexural and lateral stability (Eurocode 3-1-1, 3-1-3, 3-1-5)
    Deflection checks in SLS, (Eurocode 3-1).
    Detailed design of bolted eave, apex and base connections. (Eurocode 3-1-8)
    Design of base anchoring (Eurocode 3-1-1, CEN/TS 1992-4-1)
    Design of purlins (Eurocode 3-1).
    Design of vertical and horizontal lateral bracing system (Eurocode 3-1).
    Design of concrete foundation. (Eurocode 2-1, Eurocode 7-1)
    Detailed drawings of the structure and the connections.

Program features

Schermata principale programma

Automatic production of structure geometry with minimum data entering.
All necessary data on one screen.

Analysis and design of the structure simultaneously solution with data changes. Error messages for inadequate design in a specialized window. Design parts are marked OK or error.

Selection of National Annex, snow, wind and earthquake region.

Material and code parameters can be modified.

Zona climatica

Snow load according to Eurocode 1.
Can be selected from snow region and altitude.

Pressione del vento

Wind loading according to Eurocode 1.
Can be selected from wind region, altitude and terrain configuration.

Wind internal pressure.

Tools for evaluating snow load according to EN1991-1-3 and wind load according to EN1991-1-4.

Coefficienti sismici

Seismic loads according to Eurocode 8.

Analysis for seismic loads using lateral force method and modal superposition spectrum analysis according to Eurocode 8.

telaio in acciaio

Linear elastic finite element analysis with modified element stiffness for the haunch effect.



Progetto del sistema dei rinforzi laterali verticali e orizzontali

Design of vertical and horizontal lateral bracing system.



Imperfezioni con carichi equivalenti

Imperfections with equivalent loads. Second order effects using αcr and amplification factors, ΕΝ1993-1-1 §5.2


Complete design verification according to EN1993-1-1 for section classification, cross-section resistance and member in plane, out-of plane and lateral torsional buckling.

Verifica completa del progetto secondo EN1993-1-1

Design of bolted connections for Apex and Eave, and base according to EN1993-1-8.

Design of column base joint according to EN1993-1-8. Anchoring system to resist uplift forces according to CEN/TS 1992-4. Base connection can be pinned or rigid.

progetto connessioniprogetto connessioni


progetto fondazioni


Design of concrete foundation according to Eurocode 2, EN1992-1-1 and Eurocode 7, EN1997-1-1.




progetto arcarecci
 Design of purlins. Continuous or simply supported purlins, lateral restrained or not. The degree of restrain due to sheeting is evaluated.




Full library with steel section profiles.

Welded (fabricated) profiles can be used.
Editor for properties of welded (fabricated) profiles.

Design estimate with selection of steel profiles.

profili sezioni

Detailed drawings of the structure and the structural details for the connections.

Precise drawings in selected scales of the structure and the details.

Printing in Α4, Α3, Α2 paper.

Export of all CAD drawings to PDF, WMF or DXF format.

Disegno CAD dettagliato della struttura e dei dettagli costruttivi strutturali per le connessioni

Full design report preview. Detailed report with diagrams, structure and connection drawings.

References to Eurocodes paragraphs, report of analytical formulas and calculations.

Report contents and design parts can be selected.

PDF and DOC export of the report.

anteprima relazione

Basic program parameters.

Select the National Annex.

Materials: Structural steel, Concrete, Reinforcing steel, Soils.

National Annex parameters and parameters for Portal Frames.

Parametri di base

Eurocodes used in SteelPortalFrameEC3

EN1990:2002, Eurocode 0 Basis of Structural Design
EN1991-1-1:2002, Eurocode 1-1 Actions on structures
EN1991-1-3:2003, Eurocode 1-3 Snow loads
EN1991-1-4:2005, Eurocode 1-4 Wind actions
EN1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2 Reinforced concrete
CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, Design of fastenings in concrete, Genera
CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009, Design of fastenings, Headed Fasteners
EN1993-1-1:2005, Eurocode 3 1-1 Design of Steel structures
EN1993-1-3:2005, Eurocode 3 1-3 Cold-formed members
EN1993-1-5:2006, Eurocode 3 1-5 Plated structural elements
EN1993-1-8:2005, Eurocode 3 1-8 Design of Joints
EN1997-1-1:2004, Eurocode 7 Geotechnical design
EN1998-1-1:2004, Eurocode 8 Design in earthquake environment


esempio relazione calcolo portale in acciaio

Steel portal frame structures according to Eurocode 3.

  • Selection of National Annex, snow, wind and earthquake region. Material and code parameters can be modified.
  • Tools for evaluating snow load according to EN1991-1-3, wind load according to EN1991-1-4 and earthquake load according to EN1991-1-8.
  • All the load combination for Ultimate limit state ULS (EQU,STR), serviceability limit state SLS, and analysis for seismic loading according to EN1990-1-1.
  • Linear elastic finite element analysis with modified element stiffness for the haunch effect.
  • Imperfections with equivalent loads. Second order effects using αcr and amplification factors. ΕΝ1993-1-1 §5.2
  • Complete design verification according to EN1993-1-1 for section classification, cross-section resistance and meber in plane, out-of plane and lateral  torsional buckling.
  • Design of bolted connections for Appex and Eave, according to EN1993-1-8.
  • Design of column base joint according to EN1993-1-8. Anchoring system for to resist uplift forces according to CEN/TS 1992-4
  • Design of concrete foundation, according to EN1997-1-1 and EN1992-1-1.
  • Design for seismic loading using both Lateral force method, and Modal superposition spectrum analysis according to EN1998-1-1.

You can select the method of computing the interaction coefficients for combined axial and lateral buckling according to Eurocode3 EN1993-1-1 § 6.3.3.
Method-1 is described in Annex A of Eurocode3 EN1993-1-1 and
Method-2 is described in Annex B of Eurocode3 EN1993-1-1 .

Eurocodici usati in SteelPortalFrameEC3 

EN1990:2002, Eurocode 0 Basis of Structural Design
EN1991-1-1:2002, Eurocode 1-1 Actions on structures
EN1991-1-3:2003, Eurocode 1-3 Snow loads
EN1991-1-4:2005, Eurocode 1-4 Wind actions
EN1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2 Reinforced concrete
CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, Design of fastenings in concrete, Genera
CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009, Design of fastenings, Headed Fasteners
EN1993-1-1:2005, Eurocode 3 1-1 Design of Steel structures
EN1993-1-3:2005, Eurocode 3 1-3 Cold-formed members
EN1993-1-5:2006, Eurocode 3 1-5 Plated structural elements
EN1993-1-8:2005, Eurocode 3 1-8 Design of Joints
EN1997-1-1:2004, Eurocode 7 Geotechnical design
EN1998-1-1:2004, Eurocode 8 Design in earthquake environment


I programmi vengono continuamente aggiornati in base al nuovo ambiente Windows e all'Eurocodice o agli standard su cui si basa Per le nuove versioni è possibile eseguire l'aggiornamento scaricando la nuova versione dal menu principale / Aggiorna.

La licenza è permanente e gli aggiornamenti sono gratuiti, in genere viene rilasciata una nuova versione ogni 2/3 mesi. Solo nel caso in cui vengano effettuate aggiunte importanti sul tipo di elementi da calcolare o sulle normative, viene richiesto un costo per l’aggiornamento (circa il 20%-30% del costo del programma). Per capirci, dal 2013, questo è avvenuto solo 1 volta sul BETONexpress perché sono stati raddoppiati gli elementi calcolabili, mentre ad esempio l’aggiornamento per nuove normative italiane NTC2018 è stato gratuito. A nostra discrezione.


No, non ci sono canoni di manutenzione e gli aggiornamenti sono generalmente gratuiti.

La licenza è permanente e gli aggiornamenti sono gratuiti, in genere viene rilasciata una nuova versione ogni 2/3 mesi. Solo nel caso in cui vengano effettuate aggiunte importanti sul tipo di elementi da calcolare o sulle normative, viene richiesto un costo per l’aggiornamento (circa il 20%-30% del costo del programma). Per capirci, dal 2013, questo è avvenuto solo 1 volta sul BETONexpress perché sono stati raddoppiati gli elementi calcolabili, mentre ad esempio l’aggiornamento per nuove normative italiane NTC2018 è stato gratuito. A nostra discrzione.

Richiesta codice di attivazione

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Per risolvere il problema, collegare la stampante o modificare la stampante Windows predefinita.


Da [Impostazione relazione/ Caratteri, paragrafi ..] in basso si imposta la dimensione del testo nei grafici.

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Affinché il programma utilizzi il diametro dell'armatura specificato dall'utente, è necessario selezionare la casella accanto al diametro specificato. In caso contrario, il programma seleziona un diametro, attorno al diametro specificato, ottimizzando il rinforzo.

Questo succede se perché Windows non ha il supporto per caratteri greci installato. A seconda dell'installazione di Windows, i simboli matematici greci possono o meno apparire correttamente. Puoi aggiungere il supporto per la lingua greca in Windows: Vai in [Impostazioni / Pannello di controllo / Opzioni internazionali e della lingua / Avanzate]. Altrimenti vai al menu File / Supporto caratteri greci e scegli la tua lingua senza supporto per simboli matematici. Quindi i simboli matematici appariranno esplicitamente, come phi, alpha, beta ecc.


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Da Impostazione Relazione / Varie impostare i vari rientri.

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