Metal Framing ROOF

Metal Framing Roof+ automates prefabricated metal framing and rafter structures for roofs in Revit® models. Robust features allow the user to efficiently frame metal roofs, complete with roof joists, battens, valley joists, roof boards, and more. Plus, the software automates shop drawings, including sorting, tagging, dimensioning, and scheduling all frames.

Includes Roof Panel Layout

Compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2020, 2019, 2018


  • Detailed, multi-layer, metal roof framing creation in Revit models.
  • Manage joists, rim joists, nogging, bridging, blocking, and bracing placement, and configure openings, details, service hole positions, and more.
  • Create your own rules and templates
  • Frame large roofs 10x faster
  • Auto-distribute battens, secondary frames, and roofing.
  • Revise your model simply selecting the elements and properties you want to modify.
  • Track down structural and engineering clashes.
  • Cut and frame openings according to predefined rules.
  • Generate shop drawings and cut lists with just one click.
  • Get real-time take-offs and views, automatic sorting and dimensioning.
  • Export to CNC machine.
  • Roof frames and shop drawings update and adapt to any changes.
  • Carry out structural analysis without leaving Revit.

Prefabricated Metal Frame Roof Panels

Possible workflow:

With Metal Framing Roof+, you can:

  • Create your own rules and templates, and use them for creating detailed, multi-layer, metal roof framing in your Revit model.
  • Frame large roofs 10x faster than using regular Revit features.
  • Manage joists, rim joists, nogging, bridging, blocking, and bracing placement.
  • Configure openings, details, service hole positions, and more.
  • Auto-distribute battens, secondary frames, and roofing.
  • Revise your Revit® model at-will simply by selecting the elements and properties you want to modify.
  • Track down structural and engineering clashes.
  • Cut and frame openings according to predefined rules.
  • Generate shop drawings and cut lists with just one click. Get real-time take-offs and views, plus automatic sorting and dimensioning.
  • Export to CNC machine.
  • Be sure roof frames and shop drawings update and adapt to any changes.
  • Carry out structural analysis without leaving Revit. Export your metal frames to external software for analysis at any stage of the design process.

Rafter Roof Structures
Metal Framing Roof+ lets you quickly create full rafter systems in Revit® models for metal frame roofs of any shape or complexity. Custom-framing functions and versatile schedule generation further accelerate BIM workflow. No more drafting – just design and decide.

Possible workflow:

  • Automatically split an architectural roof by faces.
  • Create detailed, multi-layer, metal rafter roof framing for your Revit model in a snap using fully customizable rules and templates.
  • Frame an entire roof based on its 3D model, including hip/valley rafters, ridges, girders, collars, battens, horizontal beams, sleepers, trimmers, etc.
  • Auto-detect and frame roof openings. Cope ends of existing beams.
  • Freely revise your Revit model by simply selecting the elements and properties you want to modify.
  • Find structural and engineering clashes. Cut and frame openings according to predefined rules.
  • One-click generation of shop drawings and cut lists. Real-time take-offs and views, plus automatic sorting and dimensioning.
  • Optional export to any CNC machine and CAD/CAM production line, such as Pinnacle etc.
  • Roof frames and shop drawings update and adapt according to any changes you make.
  • Perform structural analysis without leaving Revit, or export your metal frames to external software for analysis at any stage of the design process.

Ideal for:

Structural Engineers Painless and efficient roof framing based on architectural roof geometry.
Designers & Manufacturers of Prefabricated and/or Rafter Roofs Build prefabricated and/or rafter roof frames that accommodate
user/company specific regulations.
Architects Make the real roof design and use it in the model presentation.

Powerful features:


Possibility of instantly creating prefabricated metal frame roof panels and/or rafter systems of any shape or complexity.

Automated modelling of metal roof framing, including joists, battens, bridging, blockings, rims, noggings, and more.

Fully scalable: this software can be used on any structure from simple to complex, including irregular roof shapes.

Framing types are freely linked with roof types.

Complex multi-layer roof framing: an unlimited number of layers can be added.

Automated details on bridgings, blockings, and rim joists.

Sheathing layouts are easily made and split by existing joists.

Generate roofing layouts.

Automatic sorting, tagging, dimensioning, and scheduling (including mass) of all frames and sheathing layouts.

Automatic addition of shop drawing views and schedules to the sheets based on user predefined template.


Easily transfer framing elements between the same groups or identical roof panels. Simply predefine which elements should be affected: all roof panels from the same model group, from the instance model group, or selected roof panel should be unique in the building.

Update frames according to architectural roof changes.

Align joists across roof segments and between roofs and floors or walls.

Modify Roof frame at any time and supplement it with additional members.

Edit and increase your library with main types of roof framing.

Fully customize all templates and rules. Save framing, sheathing, and shop drawing configurations for your future projects, and share them with your team members.


Architectural roof can be split into prefabricated panels using Roof Panel Layout. It takes an architectural
roof and automates the panel layout process. The software draws symbolic lines according to predefined rules to indicate the future panels. Then it creates real Revit roof panels.

Optional CNC output to joinery machines and multi-panel production lines enable your model data to be automatically exported to manufacturing.

  • Super Fast. Metal Framing Roof+ was made for speed. It possesses standardized and automated roof framing capabilities that, together with shop drawing generation, enable you to bypass hurdles in building design.
  • Shop Drawings. Now. Did you start framing your first roof panel? Well, your shop drawings have now started as well. Making templates is so easy that you might even forget about it! So, don’t forget to check whether everything is in order in the end, adjust details where necessary, and you’re ready to celebrate the delivery of your project.
  • Updates are a cinch. Were changes made to the roof? All you need to do is update the frame of the selected roof segment. That was easy.

Intelaiare una copertura con travi in ​​legno o acciaio in Revit (3:50 min.)

Questo video riguarda l'intelaiatura di coperture con travi in ​​legno e acciaio in Revit utilizzando i moduli AGACAD. Dividi rapidamente una copertura architettonica in pannelli e poi creane il telaio automaticamente e prt dividere la copertura in base alle superfici usa Roof Panel Layout.

  • Progettare e generare tralicci e sistemi di tralicci
  • Crea tralicci unici con Truss Builder integrato
  • Inquadrare un intero tetto in base al suo modello 3D, inclusi travetti, colmi, travi, collari, listelli, travi orizzontali, traversine, trimmer, ecc.
  • Suddivisione automatica di un tetto architettonico in base alle dimensioni preimpostate
  • Creazione di intelaiature per tetti con travi in ​​legno dettagliate e multistrato
  • Creazione di strutture per tetti in legno prefabbricate, dettagliate e multistrato per il modello Revit
  • Inquadrare tetti di grandi dimensioni con pannelli identici 10 volte più velocemente rispetto all'utilizzo dell'interfaccia Revit standard
  • Listelli a distribuzione automatica, telaio secondario e copertura
  • Trova conflitti strutturali e ingegneristici. Taglia e incornicia le aperture secondo regole predefinite.


Pannelli prefabbricati per coperture, capriate e travetti in Revit

Questo webinar tratta di come progettare e generare coperture utilizzando i nostri strumenti di framing roof per Revit. Copre il tradizionale telaio di coperture (costruito in loco) e le coperture prefabbricate (costruiti fuori dal sito). Esamina i tipi di coperture a capriate e gli argomenti chiave rilevanti per i progettisti che lavorano su edifici di piccole e grandi dimensioni in cui vengono utilizzati vari sistemi di coperture in legno e acciaio.

Passa a ciò che ti interessa in questo webinar
• introduzione a AGACAD Tools4BIM Dock 5:08
• TRALICCI a telaio per coperture Revit con offset base 6:00
     - inserire la griglia angolare con le linee di copertura 7:02
     - generare tralicci utilizzando più linee di copertura 9:23
     - capriate frontali, capriate sottotetto, capriate a sbalzo 11:10
     - aggiungi membri del telaio tra le capriate, modifica i parametri per istanza, modifica per tipo 12:35
     - sostituzione di una capriata sottotetto con una capriata a forbice 14:48
     - tralicci array 16:10
     - modifica in batch dello sbalzo del traliccio per geometria della copertura 16:58
     - generazione della griglia L-truss 18:10
     - array di tralicci tra 2 tralicci esistenti 22:22
     - telaio secondario, listelli 23:50
     - parti divise per ottenere guaina, isolamento, copertura 25:21
     - viste analitiche strutturali per l'esportazione 26:58
     - disegni, sezioni, viste, dimensioni 27:45
• RAFTERS, suddivisione della copertura di Revit in segmenti 29:30
    - definizione delle regioni della copertura con travetti 30:52
     - inserire le creste 31:50
    - tagliare le travi con il solido in modo che le piastre superiori tagliano le travi con la bocca di uccello 32:19
    - allineare le travi 33:08
    - traversine 34:20
    - lacci 34:42
    - allinea gli elementi alla faccia della trave 36:10
    - applicazione dell'angolo di taglio alle fascette del colletto, estensioni finali 37:03
    - Parti divise per aggiungere listelli, telai secondari, guaine, coperture, tappi 38:09
    - esportazione analisi strutturale 41:28
    - dimensioni, sezioni 41:44
     - Linee di direzione della campata del tetto 42:03
     - Tagli finali 44:36
    - inserire le creste 46:40
    - allineare il bridging 48:17
    - traversine per abbaino 48:43
    - coperture, guaine, tappi 50:00
    - dimensioni, disegni, creare assieme, etichette, viste, fogli 51:51
    - esportazione su CNC 54:05

AISI S100-07/S2-10, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members with Supplement 2. American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.
AISI S200-07, 2007. North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing – General Provisions. American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.
NASH Standard – Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing, Part 1: Design Criteria. 2010.
NASH Standard – Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing, Part 2: Design Solutions. 2010.
Building Enclosure Design Guide– Wood Frame Multi-Unit Residential Buildings. Homeowner Protection Office (HPO), Vancouver, Canada, 2011.
AISI D110-07, Cold-Formed Steel Framing Design Guide, 2nd Edition. American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.
AISI D100-08, AISI Manual, Cold-Formed Steel Design. American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.

Pinnacle CNC Machine Specifications
Metroll Manufacturer and Supplier Resources
ClarkDietrich Steel Framing Product Specifications
CEMCO Specifications

Elenco dei moduli inclusi nel pacchetto Metal Framing Roof:

  • Truss+M
  • Roof Panel Layout
  • Roof+M
  • Sort Mark
  • Cut Opening

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